Feature Products

Art No: FS-AB-2302American Ball
Art No: FS-HB-2901Hand Ball
Art No: FS-RJ-1604Rugby Uniforms
Art No: FS-J-1101Jackets
Art No: FS-LB-2402Leather Ball
Art No: FS-RJ-1601Rugby Jersey
Art No: FS-CG-5502Batting Gloves (Cricket)
Art No: FS-BG-3402Boxing Gloves
Art No: FS-BU-1003Basketball Uniform
Art No: FS-CB-01Cycling Bib
Art No: FS-MS-4501Motorbike Suit
Art No: FS-MJ-4001Men Leather Jackets
Art No: FS-H-1201Hoodies
Art No: FS-CP-5502Pads
Art No: FS-J-1107Jackets
Art No: FS-SU-1104Soccer Uniform
Art No: FS-SU-1101Soccer Uniform
Art No: FS-H-1203Hoodies
Art No: FS-GG-3501Goalkeeper Gloves
Art No: FS-VB-2503Volley Ball

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The Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the premier trade body representing the export-oriented industry of Sialkot. The Chamber was established in 1982 and the late Mr. A. D. Bhutta was its founder, President.Now our company is a proud part of this commerce chamber.
Association with Sialkot Chamber of Commerce
May 25, 2019
Our company has been approve by FBR as a company that is regularly paying taxes, with all dues cleared.
FBR Approved
Jul 02, 2018
On the ban of child employment in company, company Founding Partner and Co-Director Mr. Rehan Baig on the behalf of other partners, said that so as to determine the issue of child labor in Pakistan, the administrative and common governments should attempt genuine endeavors to execute Article 25-An of the Constitution of Pakistan, which gives the privilege to free and mandatory instruction for kids matured between five to 16. Baig said that right around 20 million school going age kids were out of school, in which roughly 10 million school going age youngsters were engaged with work exercises.
No Child Labour
Dec 31, 2008